This Tag is From Bongo and Yuki
Tag Rules
1- Post 10 random things about yourself
2- Choose 5 people to tag and a reason you chose each person
3- Leave them each a comment directing them to your blog so they know they are it
You can’t tag the person who tagged you (you’ll have to make new friends)
As a courtesy to the person who tagged you, please let them know when you have posted so they can have the sheer delight and extra work load of reading your answers)
I always felt that it would be very difficult to talk about myself because I think I don't see myself the way people really saw me.
And also because I think that 10 things about me is too much, I mean couple of lines will do the job but I'll give it a try.
Let's do it
1) I'm a very lazy person and when I say lazy I actually mean it, if breathing wasn't spontaneous I' would be dead by now.
2) I'm a very touchy person, a tiny simple thing could hurt me but on the other hand I can forget bad things easily.
3) I love reading, I love it very much but recently I'm running out of time.
4) I love to watch movies and to be accurate I watch a lot of movies, it is a fascinating art.
5) I don't give up easily but only when I want to.
6) I believe in love and I hope to experience it one day, when I say that my friends laugh at me, I know I'm not gorgeous and I don’t have this great cool personality but who knows.
7) I don't understand gestures not in general but sometimes I just fail to follow it up.
8) I love sea although I can't swim.
9) I don't dream much but sometimes I dream of things that already happen but I change some details to make it more like I wanted it.
10) I'm allergic to uncooked pepper.
Well during checking my friend's blogs, I find out that most of them have already answered this tag and this put me in critical situation.
I'll pass this Tag to:
صيدلانية مطحونة (كلمتين وبس) , مها (المشربية) ,محمود ( بطوط حبوب) , الصحفية الروشة (نميمة عالمصطبة), سنووايت
And the reason is that I love their souls and before that I respect their minds .
And finally I'm very sorry for my bad English.
Tag Rules
1- Post 10 random things about yourself
2- Choose 5 people to tag and a reason you chose each person
3- Leave them each a comment directing them to your blog so they know they are it
You can’t tag the person who tagged you (you’ll have to make new friends)
As a courtesy to the person who tagged you, please let them know when you have posted so they can have the sheer delight and extra work load of reading your answers)
I always felt that it would be very difficult to talk about myself because I think I don't see myself the way people really saw me.
And also because I think that 10 things about me is too much, I mean couple of lines will do the job but I'll give it a try.
Let's do it
1) I'm a very lazy person and when I say lazy I actually mean it, if breathing wasn't spontaneous I' would be dead by now.
2) I'm a very touchy person, a tiny simple thing could hurt me but on the other hand I can forget bad things easily.
3) I love reading, I love it very much but recently I'm running out of time.
4) I love to watch movies and to be accurate I watch a lot of movies, it is a fascinating art.
5) I don't give up easily but only when I want to.
6) I believe in love and I hope to experience it one day, when I say that my friends laugh at me, I know I'm not gorgeous and I don’t have this great cool personality but who knows.
7) I don't understand gestures not in general but sometimes I just fail to follow it up.
8) I love sea although I can't swim.
9) I don't dream much but sometimes I dream of things that already happen but I change some details to make it more like I wanted it.
10) I'm allergic to uncooked pepper.
Well during checking my friend's blogs, I find out that most of them have already answered this tag and this put me in critical situation.
I'll pass this Tag to:
صيدلانية مطحونة (كلمتين وبس) , مها (المشربية) ,محمود ( بطوط حبوب) , الصحفية الروشة (نميمة عالمصطبة), سنووايت
And the reason is that I love their souls and before that I respect their minds .
And finally I'm very sorry for my bad English.